LAS VEGAS — Partly cloudy conditions at midday yield to more sun this afternoon, but highs will be limited to 50° as winds stay under 10 mph. Expect a quick tumble through the 40s into the upper 30s by 8 p.m., and lows late tonight drop to the low and mid 30s, with upper 20s possible in some spots. Thursday sees high clouds at times, with highs limited to only 50°. Low 50s are here Friday but north winds will hit 20 mph and make it feel a bit colder, in spite of sunshine. Highs in the low 50s continue this weekend (which looks sunny) after wake-up temperatures in the low 30s. Low and mid 50s continue early next week, with small rain chances materializing by Tuesday increasing on Wednesday.
13 First Alert Weather Forecast | Wednesday morning, Dec. 15, 2021
Chilly weather continues

The December 15, 2021 morning weather forecast for Las Vegas.

and last updated
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