LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Every time a student crosses Grand Teton Drive near Torrey Pines Drive to get to Saville Middle School, parents worry about their safety because some drivers don't stop for pedestrians.
That's why Paula Wallace crosses the street with her kids.
"I'll stop and I'll wait for the cars to see me and then stop so we can cross the street safely," says Wallace.
Other parents 13 Action news spoke with say their children have had too may close calls with distracted drivers.
Katy says her daughter "almost got hit by a car twice last week."
Parents have a number of suggestions: from making this T-intersection a 3-way stop, maybe a stoplight.
Wallace says, "I think a cop would be helpful."
But crossing guards are only placed in elementary schools. Since Saville is a middle school, that's out of the question.
So Katy says, "There are several of us parents who have offered and came together and said look we can volunteer as crossing guard."
13 Action News checked on those suggestions. Clark County tells me as far as putting more traffic signs and signals, there are no plans for any changes like that at this time because it has not had any requests to study the intersection.
CCSD police say they will send someone to observe the intersection of Grand Teton and Torrey Pines drives.
As for getting parents to volunteer as crossing guards, 13 Action News connected the parents with a traffic safety expert who can help them organize.
"We live around here and I'd hate for one of them to get hit," says Paula.
At the end of the day, there's one thing parents and officials we spoke with all agree on: drivers need to be educated and do their part as well -- follow the rules of the road.