

Desert Foothills Drive roadway improvements begin Aug. 14

U.S. Highway 93 lane restrictions in Henderson
and last updated

Starting Aug. 14 and continuing through the next eight weeks, utility adjustments, milling and paving operations will occur on Desert Foothills Drive between Charleston Boulevard and Alta Drive.

Work hours will be 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., traffic will be restricted to one travel lane in each direction, north- and southbound.

Primary work activities of milling and overlay repaving will take approximately two weeks within the eight-week schedule, subject to equipment availability. Following the paving, the utilities/manholes will be raised to be flush with the new pavement.

Sky Vista Drive and Vista Center Drive/Vista Run Drive are recommended as alternate routes for north- and southbound traffic.

Preliminary work was completed last fall and consisted of improvements to the sidewalk areas to meet federal Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, which included the reconstruction of concrete cross gutter, and curb and gutter. The current work consists of pavement removal, thin lift overlay, and installation of new traffic delineations and bike lanes.

Las Vegas Paving is the contractor. The city of Las Vegas is managing the project.

The estimated cost of the work is $500,000, with funding provided by the Southern Nevada Regional Transportation Commission’s Fuel Revenue Indexing tax.