Local NewsRaising The Bar


Local charter school bringing lessons to life through 'edutainment'

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Technology is changing the way kids learn and Nevada charter school Pinecrest Academy St. Rose is using what's called “edutainment learning.”

As, it is including video conferencing as part of the learning process.

Martin Cooper is one of the original inventors of the mobile phone, and he is also inspiring students at Pinecrest.

"You can do something nobody else has ever done before. I cannot express to you how satisfying that is. How exciting that is,” Cooper said.

What's especially exciting for the students is that they get to interact and meet some extraordinary people through “edutainment learning.”

A nonprofit initiative has helped connect students with primary sources of information through video conferencing - created through the Nevada Ready 21 grant.

"I found that bringing in guest speakers whether it be physically or through video conferencing technology, makes the lessons so much more impactful and helps supplement the instruction that's going on in our classroom,” said Ralph Krauss.

And students have heard from dozens of guests on the front lines of history, according to Krauss.

No matter the subject, from Vietnam veterans, astronauts to Sept 11 students are hearing the information first-hand.

“Our speaker went into detail of exactly how her day went, and it was just very memorable for me to see things in a different way than just watching it on the news,” 6th-grade student Izebella said.

Even local celebrities like Rick Harrison from "Pawn Stars” has appeared for a history lesson.

"I truly believe this is the way of the future as far as the way education goes in our country," said Krauss.

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