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Tips on raising biracial children in today's world

Alkebu-lan Stamps, Abyssinia Stamps, Kim Moroski Stamps
and last updated

According to a report in 2017, the number of multiracial babies born in the U.S. in recent years has tripled.

Pew Research says 42% of multiracial babies are born fro one white parent and one Hispanic parent. The next most common mix is Asian and white The least common is babies born of one white parent and one Black parent.

Raising children who are biracial is different than raising children of one race. The following are some tips from a variety of resources (listed at the bottom):

  • Educate yourself about what people of other races may experience. Don’t assume that you know when you have never experienced how others who are different from yourself are treated.
  • Talk about race. Do not avoid the subject. Make it as normal as possible. Listen to your child if they are having issues with being biracial. Encourage them to talk about the color of their skin and how it may be different.
  • Teach your child to be proud of their mixed heritage and looks. Make sure they know that it is nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of.
  • Understand that biracial and multiracial children are often discriminated by everyone because of their unique, mixed identity. Even if they identify with one race more so than another, people of that race may not view them as the same.
  • Help children develop coping skills to handle questions and/or biases about their background. Help children deal with racism without feeling personally assaulted. If necessary, practice answers to common questions so they are not caught off guard.
  • Create a multicultural life for the whole family. Become familiar with language, traditions, and customs of all family members. If necessary, learn how to
  • Create a family mantra. Watch this video for ideas.
  • If possible, live in a diverse community. Encourage your children to make friends with people of all color.
  • If unable to physically live in a diverse community, seek to build one or join one online. Connect with other multiracial families through line forums, meet-up groups etc.
  • Understand that children may feel guilty if they choose the race/culture of one parent over another.
  • Expose your child(ren) to books, television shows or movies that portray multiracial individuals as positive role models.

8 effective tips to raise your biracial child
Racial stress and self-care: Parent toolkit
Raising multiracial children — American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Three ways to support your biracial child
How to support multiracial teens: A guide for parents