Positively Las Vegas


Voting is now open for pet adoption center to win $10,000 grant 

Posted 8:18 PM, May 12, 2020
and last updated 12:39 AM, May 13, 2020

Hearts Alive Village pet adoption center, based in Las Vegas, has been nominated to win $10,000 from Freshpet’s Fresh Start program.

The Fresh Start program, which was started in 2018 to provide support for overlooked cats and dogs who are often deemed unadoptable, was moved from September to April, to meet the growing financial needs of shelters during this time.

Fresh Start has awarded more than $100,000 in contributions in the past two years.

This year, Fresh Start will award five $10,000 grants to shelters across five regions in the U.S., and will recognize two runner-up organizations in each region with $2,000 each.

Winners will be selected based on online voting, so to help Hearts Alive Village bring home the $10,000 grant, we need your help to spread the word and encourage your viewers to vote at freshpet.com/fresh-start/.

Voting is open to the public from May 11 through May 17 and you can vote once per day, so remember to come back all week. Winners will be announced on National Dog Rescue Day, on May 20.