“Tony N’ Tina’s Wedding,” the long running Las Vegas interactive dinner show at The Rio Hotel and Casino, Planet Hollywood, Bally’s Hotel and Buca di Beppo, will perform a virtual benefit performance on Oct. 8 at 7 p.m. on Zoom.
Proceeds will help benefit The Composers Showcase TCS Entertainment Community Relief Fund supporting members of the local entertainment community who have been adversely affected financially by COVID. This virtual performance was adapted by the original director, Larry Pellegrini with a cast of Las Vegas actors and musicians.
Tickets are now on sale for $15 per device.
VIP perks include guaranteed interaction in the wedding, a post-show virtual meet-and-greet, and selected show merchandise.
Requests for VIP status should be submitted to composersshowcaselv@gmail.com, subject: Tony and Tina VIP.