Positively Las Vegas


Las Vegas Philharmonic reveals 2020-21 season

and last updated

The 22nd season for the Las Vegas Philharmonic will include 10 performances from October 16, 2020, through April 10, 2021, at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts.

Music Director Donato Cabrera has curated a season full of dynamic works kicking off with a two-day musical festival celebrating Beethoven’s 250th birthday, female composers and artists who have made their mark in classical music, two distinctive holiday concerts sure to inspire joy in the hearts of all ages, the music of jazz legends, a fascinating exploration of Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony in a mash-up with some of the band Coldplay’s best-known songs with conductor, Steve Hackman, a post-modern Cabaret diva and a finale full of French fantasy and a piano concerto for the left hand.

The season’s roster of guest artists includes Bella Hristova, Joshua Roman, David Fung, Sirena Huang, Mary Elizabeth Bowden, Stewart Goodyear, Jennifer Cho, Meow Meow and Till Hoffmann.

Guest conductors joining the LVP this season include Carolyn Kuan for October’s Beethoven Fest and Steve Hackman for Beethoven v. Coldplay, his original production.

Subscriptions are on sale now starting at just $106 for a four-concert package. Subscribers save up to 12% when they renew before June 3 and can choose among three different subscription series or customize their own at five different price points. In addition, subscribers can purchase additional single tickets with their subscription order at the same discount.

Single tickets will go on sale later this summer.

For more information or to place a subscription order, call patron services at 702-462-2008 or visit lvphil.org or The Smith Center Box Office.