One-Stop Career Center coaches will be on hand to provide free resume reviews from 3:30-6 p.m. on April 24 as part of the official grand opening of the One-Stop Career Center at the James I. Gibson Library, 100 W. Lake Mead Pkwy., Henderson. Walk-ins are welcome.
The One-Stop Career Center is the second center located inside a Henderson library as part of an ongoing partnership between Henderson Libraries and Workforce Connections, Southern Nevada’s Local Workforce Development Board. Green Valley Library also hosts a One-Stop Career Center.
Through federal funding, One-Stop Career Centers offer free career resources needed for job seekers during a job search, and for businesses looking to hire. One-Stop Career Center career coaches work one-on-one with community members to help secure opportunities for no-cost training and education. Vocational rehabilitation, adult literacy, and other programs such as food assistance are also available at the centers.
Schedule of Events
3:00 p.m: Brief grand opening ceremony
3:30-6 p.m: The Great Resume Review event. Resume professionals from One-Stop Career Centers and nonprofit partners will be on hand to offer free resume reviews. Walk-ins are welcome.
AARP Foundation will also be on hand to provide information about the Senior Community Service Employment Program that works with those aged 55 or older who are unemployed and economically disadvantaged.
For a list of all One-Stop Career Center locations, resume tips, and resources, please visit