Local News


Local restaurant offering to deep fry turkeys


Want your Thanksgiving turkey juicy inside and crispy outside and want to spend Thursday with family and friends?

Jackson's Bar & Grill,  6020 W Flamingo Rd in Las Vegas, is offering a $10 turkey frying service on Thursday.  

Owner Brian Slipock said deep frying Thanksgiving turkeys is becoming increasingly popular, but it can be dangerous for first timers not familiar with fryers.   "Many of our customers bring their turkeys to us, watch the games while they wait or focus on entertaining family and friends."

It only takes the Jackson's Bar & Grill chef about 30 minutes to fry the average turkey, but advance reservations are requested.   

RELATED: 2015 Thanksgiving meals, specials around Las Vegas

The first turkey drop off time for the $10 deep frying service is at 10 a.m. and the last drop off is at 5 p.m.  

If you don't already have your own turkey, takeout deep fried whole turkeys are available for $55.  A deep fried whole turkey dinner with stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green been casserole, sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie is priced at $99 for takeout.

RELATED: How to avoid racking up Thanksgiving calories

For more information call (702) 362-2116 or email brian@jacksonsbarandgrill.com