Positively Las Vegas


62 Nevada community agencies awarded $20 Million in victims of Crime Act Formula Grant

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The Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) today announced 62 agencies, including 5 new agencies, will be awarded the annual Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance Formula Grant funding for the 2021 State Fiscal Year (SFY21) totaling $20 million.

$1.1 million in innovative funding was awarded to 13 agencies that will provide services to targeted projects and programs aimed to serve victims of crime who are homeless, to prevent Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), to assist when children are secondary victims of domestic violence and to bring telehealth services for victims of crime in rural areas of Nevada.

In addition to the $1.1 million allocated to innovative services, $18.9 million will be used for traditional services and it is estimated that more than 118,000 survivors will be served through these programs.

Under the VOCA Program Guidelines, funding priority is given to programs serving victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse.

DCFS has determined that the previously underserved populations targeted for funding are: Children and Minors, Immigrants, Elderly, People with Disabilities, LGBTQIA2+, Tribal Communities and Homeless.

Clark County will receive 62% of the total funding, Washoe County will receive 25%, and the rural counties will receive 9%.

More information about the VOCA Assistance Formula Grant Program can be found on the dcfs.nv.gov.