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Las Vegas banquet hall Factory of Dreams Hall struggling to fill seats during pandemic

Posted 3:26 PM, Jul 14, 2020
and last updated 3:28 PM, Jul 14, 2020

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Weddings, graduations, and XV Años (also known as quinceñeras) were postponed or canceled during the statewide shutdown, but now places like Factory of Dreams Hall are open, ready to help you with your events.

For three months, this family-owned banquet hall in Las Vegas closed its doors, but now that they’re open, it has been a month without clients.

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Owner David Chavez says that some of the clients canceled their events, but the majority postponed them.

“We have had them moved their dates a couple of times already," said Chavez. "I think is just going to be part of the process."

"Having a better understanding and having an open mind that this is going to continue," he said of the ongoing pandemic, "and we just have to be there for the families, assisting."

Chavez doesn’t charge families for postponing their events because he says he understands their situation.

He was struggling at the beginning of the shutdown, too. Chavez was lucky enough to get a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan and that has helped him during these months. However, of the 15 employees he had, he says had to let go of half of them.

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Nonetheless, he remains positive and has implemented changes, including adding signs and hand sanitizer.

“We’ll have someone here at the door, making sure that the families are welcome," expressed Chavez. "He will be opening and closing the door so that nobody touches the doorknobs, and at the same time we want to make sure [they are wearing] masks and check their temperatures."

"But is going to look great," he explained, "[it's going to] look like a host."

Even on the dance floor, there are signs to remind you to of social distancing protocols while dancing over a colorful illuminated floor.

Sound and lights have also been improved.

“We used to have the sound system on the wall, now it is hanging on the roof; that way it will be a better sound experience and also the lighting,” shared Chavez.

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Maximum capacity used to be 250 people, but now, events are for 50 to 100 guests; all sitting in beautiful, decorated tables with floral centerpieces.

“We’re going to have tables separated at least six feet from each other," said Chavez. "We can have a family of five on a table, another family of three or four in the next table."

Event packages and prices have been updated too, to accommodate their client's needs.

Some of the services available at Factory of Dreams Hall include:

  • Up to six hours of an event
  • Round tables and Chiavari style chairs
  • Custom tablecloths, overlays, and cloth napkins
  • Charger plates, silverware, and glassware
  • Elegant table centerpieces, beautiful designs
  • Fresh fruits appetizer station
  • Dinner buffet, or plated sit-down, tastings available
  • Custom cake, cake cutting, and cake serving
  • Cake designs from "Caked Las Vegas"
  • Lemonade, water, and soft drinks, Pepsi products

For more information, you can call (702) 812-6805 or visit their website FactoryOfDreams.com.

Factory of Dreams Hall is located in Las Vegas at 6360 S Pecos Rd. Spaces 1 & 2.