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Volunteers needed for annual Southern Nevada Homeless Census

Homeless Census
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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Hundreds of volunteers are needed to participate in the 2024 Southern Nevada Homeless Census.

On Thursday, January 25, Help Hope Home will canvass Southern Nevada in the annual Southern Nevada Point-In-Time Count, a community-wide effort to obtain a visual count of unhoused individuals and families who are living in places not meant for human habitation, like on the streets, in cars, parks or abandoned buildings.

The data is submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to determine how much federal funding the county is allotted to combat homelessness in the area.

Last year, Clark County received $15 million from the 2023 count, where volunteers documented 6,566 individuals experiencing homelessness on January 25, 2023. Of that number, 60% were listed as unsheltered, while 40% were considered “sheltered” in that they were using emergency shelters or they were in transitional housing.

However, the number of individuals counted on that day is a stark difference from the 16,251 individuals who experienced homelessness at some point during 2023. A number of factors contribute to homelessness, including domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health, and HIV/AIDS.

Help Hope Homeis Southern Nevada’s plan to end homelessness. The Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care Board is the group that has been working to execute this initiative since 2001. It offers a variety of resources to local non-profits and organizations with the mission to end homelessness, including a better understanding of homelessness.

Organizers and volunteers in 2024 Point-In-Time count will launch from various locations beginning as early as 5 a.m. To sign up as a volunteer, REGISTER HERE.