LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — When you look at Mike Edwards, you can tell he's tough. The Marine veteran served from 1988 to 1993 as an air traffic controller. He said during his time in the service, he learned many valuable life lessons.
"I learned more about working, dealing with people, managerial skills, how to lead by example," said Edwards.
After his time in the Marines, Mike transitioned to a much different lifestyle. He said he saw a performance at Medieval Times and realized performing would be his next career path. From there, he jumped into live shows on the strip, television shows and traveling performances around the world.
"I was in the pirate show at Treasure Island, I worked at Excalibur, I jousted, I was the black knight there. I worked at a couple other theme parks and I traveled around the world," said Edwards.
He ended up finding a passion for Renaissance Fairs and learned how to joust. With this new interest, he discovered a way to both perform and influence the audiences who watch the shows.
"It gives you a really big platform and you get to talk to kids, and you get to talk to them and motivate them in ways their parents can’t," said Edwards.