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UNLV students, faculty return to campus 24 hours after deadly shooting

UNLV Students Return to Campus

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — 24 hours after the deadly shooting that killed three people on UNLV's campus, students and faculty were finally allowed to return to retrieve vehicles and items on Thursday morning.

"It's super quiet," Minzi Hong, a UNLV student, said. "It's so eerie this morning with all the quietness on the campus."

Our Paulina Bucka talked to those returning to campus about what they were seeing, hearing, and feeling during the shooting and the resulting lockdown. Many say that the shooting — which only lasted minutes — effectively lasted several grueling hours before they were safely out of the building and off campus.

"You had to be there in the midst of panic and see. The real fear here is for the students," said Tom Bjelic, a UNLV professor.

Wednesday's mass shooting has become another number added to the long list of shootings on college campuses across the nation.

"Mass chaos broke out. Students were just running toward the exits," Randy Varner, a student, told Channel 13. "I didn’t really know what was going on, but I figured I better get out!"

Another staff member added, "I heard gunshots because our building is right next to the building where [the shooter] was. I immediately hit the floor, turned the lights out, and ducked under the table. We were there for a few hours."

As a new day got underway, many shared that the true shock and terror of what unfolded just 24 hours before had just set in.

Varner said, "I actually wrote a paper on mass shootings for my English class, but you never think it's going to happen to you."

Bjelic also noted the added weight for many students of looming finals — which were canceled on Friday morning. "For students to have to deal with this, exams, and Christmas? It's tough. This is their home, really. For faculty, staff, and administration, too. It's one big family."

In regards to how to talk about what happened with students, Bjelic says he's not sure yet.

"We will grieve collectively and in our own ways, and then we will grieve together," he told Channel 13. "How that will transpire, I don’t know, but we’re here for them and we’ll get through it."