Local NewsBack To School in Southern Nevada


Uninsured children can receive free dental care in Clark County ahead of first day of school


LAS VEGAS (KTNV — In honor of Children's Dental Day, Liberty Dental Plan of Nevada is partnering with Future Smiles to provide free dental care for uninsured children in Clark County. This initiative comes just in time for the back-to-school season.

The free event on Wednesday allowed uninsured children enrolled in the Clark County School District to get their teeth examined and treated.

Christine Kenney, director of operations at Future Smiles, highlights that dental problems among uninsured children is a huge issue in Southern Nevada. Kenney said that 5 out of 10 children who visit the clinic are uninsured.

“We have seen an 11% increase from one school year to another, so this is definitely an issue,” Kenney said.

Wednesday’s event runs until 5:30 p.m. If you are unable to attend, the next free event will be held on Oct. 2.

For more information on healthcare or dental coverage assistance, you can visit the Future Smiles website.