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Two students arrested after gun is found at Clark High School

Clark High School

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Two juveniles have been arrested and are facing gun-related charges after a firearm was found at Ed W. Clark High School.

Clark County School District Police said both suspects were taken into custody without incident and were transported to juvenile booking. The weapon was turned over the LVMPD and the ATF firearms task force for testing.

Police are also reminding parents to talk to their children about what they are not allowed to bring to school and that possession of certain firearms by people under 21 is illegal in Nevada.

They are also asking gun owners to be responsible in making sure their firearms are secure and to report stolen weapons to the police as soon as possible.

Principal Zeola Braxton also sent the following email to parents and guardians following the incident.

"As principal, my top priority is to ensure your child is safe at school and to keep you
informed of important matters happening within our school community.

Today, CCSD Police arrested two juveniles in connection with a firearm recovered on campus. There were no threats made to the campus.

We are unable to discuss individual student matters, but please know that all CCSD
policies and procedures in dealing with the student are being followed and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

Please take this opportunity to discuss school safety with your students. Parents, please remind your student to never hesitate reporting anything that may be a possible safety issue to an adult.

Students and parents can also make reports through the SafeVoice reporting system by calling 1-833-216-SAFE (7233), through the website at safevoicenv.org [safevoicenv.org] or through the free downloadable phone app.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call our school’s main
office at 702-799-5800."
Zeola Braxton, Principal at Ed W. Clark High School