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Two bills compete in Nevada Legislature for election reform

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RENO (KOLO) — This past summer during a special legislative session Nevada passed a comprehensive elections law bill designed to respond to the governor’s emergency declaration.

Among the changes, universal mail-in balloting, harvesting of ballots and an extended deadline for mail-in ballots to be counted.

Read the original story by ABC's KOLO 8 in Reno here.

“And if we had identified any legitimate claims of fraud or mishaps we would certainly be willing to address it,” said Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson.

“But we are going to continue to strengthen our system, and move forward I think in a way that expands our democracy,” he said.

Frierson says because of the success of Assembly Bill 4, he has plans to make most of its provisions permanent.

The bill has not been introduced yet, and the minority leader says she has not seen it. However, she says it’s a "problem. “

"We still stand, and this has not changed, we have an unshakable conviction that universal mail-in voting and ballot harvesting will further degrade the fragile civic trust shared by millions of people in Nevada,” said Assembly Minority Leader Robin Titus.

Titus and her fellow Republicans have already introduced their bill to thwart AB 4 called AB 163. It not only guts AB 4, but the bill also calls for more requirements before a resident is allowed to vote.

A voter ID issued by the DMV would be needed before a ballot could be cast. No universal mail-in ballots could be issued under the bill. And for those mail-in ballots requested, they must be in a registrar’s office the evening of the election. The bill also eliminates same-day registration and voting--something that was passed two years ago in the 2019 legislative session.

Minority leader Titus would not talk about AB 163, neither would the main sponsor of the bill Jill Dickman.

When asked about the competing election bills Speaker Frierson said the political reality is we have a majority in both houses and a Democrat in the governor’s office.

This story originally appeared on the ABC station in Reno, KOLO 8. Read the original story here.