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The City of Las Vegas advises parents to be cautious of hot surfaces at playgrounds during summertime


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — As extreme heat continues to affect the valley, the City of Las Vegas is urging parents to be cautious of hot surfaces at playgrounds to protect their children.

"All of a sudden, I just hear, 'ow!' and you see them grabbing their bums and running around like 'ow, that was so hot,'" said a Las Vegas mother, Katelyn Wierschke.

Parents say heat-related safety is top of mind as their children play on metal playgrounds in valley parks.

"My youngest is four, and I try to follow her a bit more and keep up with what she touches. The almost 9-year-old runs free, so he does tend to burn himself on the equipment and jumps right off," Wierschke said.

The City of Las Vegas tells Channel 13 that their playgrounds are equipped with sunshades. But depending on the time of day and the sun's position, some playground areas may be exposed to direct sunlight for periods.

The city advises parents to be cautious of hot surfaces during the summertime and has installed warning signs in parks to remind people to approach playground equipment carefully.

Some parents at Trigono Hills Park in Summerlin say splash pads have proven a good alternative for active children in the summertime.

"I don't go to a dry playground. It has to have a splash pad," Celsee Cefsartti said.

"They get burned, and we take them over to the splash pad, rinse them down. Yeah, it gets super hot," Wierschke said.

For tips and suggestions from the City of Las Vegas on how to beat the summer heat, click here.