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Tarkanian Middle School student claims unknown 'white male' offered ride to school

Posted 10:08 PM, Aug 14, 2019
and last updated 2:50 PM, Aug 15, 2019

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A student at Tarkanian Middle School on Pyle Avenue is claiming that a "white male in a black vehicle" offered the student a ride to school on the morning of Aug. 14.

The student told people at the school that the male claimed to know the student's mother. The incident reportedly happened near Valley View Boulevard and Sun Castle Avenue.

The principal of the school sent out this letter to parents of students on Tuesday:

August 14, 2019

Dear Families of Lois and Jerry Tarkanian Middle School,

The safety of our students is the number one priority at Tarkanian Middle School. As always, we want to keep you informed of important issues happening within our school community.

On the morning of August 14th, a Tarkanian student was approached by a white male in a black vehicle asking to give the student a ride to school and stating that he knew the students mother. This occurred while the student was walking to the bus stop near Valley View Boulevard and Sun Castle Avenue. The student fled and immediately reported it. The student is safe and Clark County School District Police have been notified.

This incident serves as an important opportunity to remind our students of safe practices when walking to and from our school. The following are reminders that will help you discuss safety with your child.

• Walk in groups to and from school.
• Never take rides from strangers.
• If you are approached by a stranger, keep a safe distance and think of a direction to run if needed.
• Shout and yell as loud as you can.
• Never give out your name or address to people you do not know. This is especially true on the Internet.
• Run to a safe place, i.e., school, church, store, etc.
• Always let your parents or guardians know where you are. Take the same route to school every day.
• Be sure you know your parents’ full names, addresses, and phone numbers.
• If possible, get a license plate number.

The safety of our students is of the utmost importance. Please report any suspicious activity you see by calling CCSD Police dispatch at 702-799-5144 or if it’s an emergency contact 9-1-1. Parents and students may also report any safety concerns using the SafeVoice App or going to SafeVoiceNV.Org.

Thank you for your assistance. Please do not hesitate to call our office at 702-799-6801 or to e-mail me at oswalre@nv.ccsd.net should you have any questions or concerns.

Reece Oswalt (Dr. O)