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Study shows Nevada taxpayers will receive 10th-largest refunds nationwide


(KTNV) — According to a study done by LendingTree, IRS data shows that 76 percent of taxpayers in Nevada are set to receive a refund averaging $3,874, the 10th-largest refunds nationwide.

LendingTree saw the following with available data provided:

  • Taxpayers in Nevada received the 10th-largest average tax refunds at $3,874.
  • In Nevada, 20% of residents owed money to the IRS.
  • Taxpayers in Wyoming received the largest average tax refunds at $5,027. This is the second year in a row that Wyoming topped the list, up 8% from $4,602 the previous tax season.
  • Taxpayers in Maine received the smallest average tax refunds at $2,752. Maine was last the previous tax season, too, but at a nearly identical $2,743. Taxpayers in Oregon, $2,896, and Vermont, $2,924, were just ahead of Maine in receiving the lowest average refund in the tax year 2019.

"With rising gas prices and inflation," said a spokeperson from LendingTree. "A tax refund could be a good opportunity to get a much-needed financial pick-me-up."