13 InvestigatesScam Alert


Several people tricked into renting Las Vegas home that isn't for rent

and last updated

Some people in the Las Vegas valley are being scammed. They think they are renting a home, but that house isn't actually for rent. 

Real estate broker Lisa Lucas says right after she listed a home for sale, she found that same home on a Craigslist ad, saying the house was for rent. The house isn't actually for rent, and Lucas sold it weeks ago.  

"It's a scary situation," says Lucas. 

Now, people are showing up to the home, trying to get inside, thinking they can move in.  Some are even hopping the fence to get into the backyard. 

"What this guy was telling people was to jump the fence, or go in through the side gate," says Lucas. 

Lucas has now put up signs, warning hopeful renters that the house is not up for rent.  

She says many people have already wired money to the man on Craigslist. 

Now, she's sending out a warning to anybody looking to rent a home to pay attention to red flags. 

"It's mind boggling to me that a consumer would think it's ok to hop the fence  to get onto a property," says Lucas. 


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