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Rare medical procedure allows Las Vegas patient to keep his voice after battling tongue cancer

Abel Garcia met up with that patient who had a lot to say about his victory over the Big C, as well as the doctors who performed this incredible surgery.

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A rare medical procedure performed right here in Southern Nevada has allowed a patient with tongue cancer to keep his voice.

I met up with that patient who had a lot to say about his victory over the Big C.

Richard Nardella said he faced a terrifying diagnosis in January 2020.

"Being almost 81 years old at that time, I was kind of worried," he said.

It's not something you hear about every day, but Nardella's doctor told him he had tongue cancer.

At his age, he said he was really worried about how to treat it and the tough choices he had to make.

"I decided eventually that I wold rather do the surgery than destroy my body with radiation and chemotherapy," he said.

That's where head and neck surgeon Dr. Jo-Lawrence Bigcas and plastic surgeon Dr. Joshua Goldman stepped in, performing what Dr. Bigcas calls groundbreaking surgery to combat Nardella's cancer.

"The procedure is called a glossectomy, which involves the removal of part or the entire tongue," Dr. Bigcas said. "We also perform reconstruction using free tissue transfer, which involves taking tissue from another party of the body and connecting it with tiny blood vessels. This is quite complex and requires a high level of skill, which is hwy it's significant for our area."

Watch the doctor show off the results of the procedure. Warning: some viewers may find this video disturbing.

Las Vegas man shows off cancer-free tongue

When you were told were going to take a piece of your arm and use it to rebuild your tongue, did you think it would be possible?

"Never even thought of it, never even heard of it," Nardella said.

Were there any concerns going into this procedure that you had personally?

"Yes, that I would be able to talk," he said.

Despite his worries, he knew he had to act fast before the cancer spread any further.

He said he put his trust in Dr. Bigcas and Dr. Goldman, and he moved forward with the surgery.

Nardella said the surgery changed his life, and his recovery was even better than he expected.

"It didn't feel different to me at all!" he said. "I don't think many people do the type of surgery that he does, very skilled and very knowledgeable."

What was the first words you said?

"One of the doctors asked me, 'do you think you can talk?' and not thinking I said, 'what do you want me to say?'"

"It's my responsibility to do the best that I possibly can to help him out. And, you know, fortunately everything turned out great," Dr. Bigcas said.

Nardella said the specialty care he got right here in our valley showcases the healthcare advancements in Southern Nevada.

How thankful are you to be here today to be cancer-free for four years?

"I feel great about it. Somebody upstairs is watching over me," he said.