LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A rally is being held for Jorge Gomez, the man who died during a confrontation with law enforcement in June during a protest in downtown Las Vegas.
The rally is happening tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. outside the Clark County Government Center during the fact-finding review for the Gomez case.
The review will be presided over by Hearing Officer Chip Sigel. Josh Tomsheck will serve as the ombudsman for the review, and Chief Deputy District Attorney Marc DiGiacomo.
A fact-finding review is held when a police-involved death occurs and the District Attorney’s Office preliminarily determines that no criminal prosecution of the officer or officers involved is appropriate. Presiding officers and ombudsmen are selected by the county manager from lists approved by the County Commission. The ombudsman represents the public and the deceased’s family during the review.
During a review, representatives from the District Attorney’s Office present witnesses and make a presentation of the essential facts surrounding the police-involved death. After the prosecutors finish their presentation, the presiding officer and ombudsman may also ask questions.
The procedure for questioning witnesses is informal and intended to provide the public with relevant information about the use of force. Members of the public observing the review may submit proposed written questions to the presiding officer on forms available at the review. The presiding officer may ask the proposed questions, revise them or decline to ask them if he deems them “redundant, irrelevant or an abuse of the review process,” according to County ordinance.
At the end of the review, no formal determination about the manner or cause of death is rendered.
Clark County Television will carry the entirety of the proceedings.
It will also be streamed on the Clark County YouTube page.