LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Nevada Caucus Day is Feb. 22. Democrats will gather at over 250 locations across the state to declare their presidential preferences.
Check in will begin at 10 a.m. and caucuses will be called to order at noon.
There are 136 locations in Las Vegas and voters can click here to find out where you should go based on your address.
The following is real-time Nevada caucus coverage throughout Saturday:
"The Nevada results reinforce the reality that this fragmented field is putting Bernie Sanders on pace to amass an insurmountable delegate lead. This is a candidate who just declared war on the so-called "Democratic Establishment." We are going to need Independents AND Republicans to defeat Trump – attacking your own party is no way to get started. As Mike says, if we choose a candidate who appeals to a small base – like Senator Sanders – it will be a fatal error."
Nevada, y’all did it for me! Thank you to all of our incredible supporters, volunteers, and organizers around the state. We couldn’t have done this without you.
Next stop: South Carolina!
— Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) (@JoeBiden) February 23, 2020
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on the Nevada caucus:
"Democrats are no closer to nominating a candidate who can actually beat President Trump. While Democrats bicker over whose positions are more radical, support for President Trump continues to grow because he continues to make good on his promises and our nation is thriving like never before. As Democrats continue to spend their resources attacking each other, our side is unified and organized for the President. In November, Americans will vote to re-elect President Trump and continue this great American comeback.”
5:52 P.M.
If their numbers are accurate, and they are listing results by precincts, @PeteButtigieg's campaign has a quarter of the Nevada caucus vote tallied and he is holding on to second place.
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) February 23, 2020
5:50 P.M.
Sen. Bernie Sanders thanks supporters as ABC News projects he will win the Nevada caucuses: “We have just put together a multi-generational, multi-racial coalition, which is going to not only win in Nevada, it’s going to sweep this country.”
— ABC News (@ABC) February 23, 2020
5 P.M.
As early Nevada results come in, Andrew Yang criticizes the caucus process: “If you’re going to be a democracy...why would you make it harder for people to vote in your earliest nominating process?”
Live updates: #cnnelection
— CNN (@CNN) February 22, 2020
4:47 P.M.
BREAKING: ABC News projects that Bernie Sanders will win the Nevada Democratic caucuses, based on an analysis of the vote.
— ABC News (@ABC) February 23, 2020
4:44 P.M.
JUST IN: @ABC is projecting @SenSanders will win the #NVCaucus. This will be another win in the popular vote tally for him. Race moving #SouthCarolina for its primary next week, before #SuperTuesday. @KTNV
— Jeremy Chen (@JeremyChenKTNV) February 23, 2020
4:40 P.M.
Joe Biden addresses supporters in Nevada as the state Democratic Party begins to report results: “I plan on coming back to win this state outright.”
— ABC News (@ABC) February 23, 2020
3:35 P.M.
10% of precincts reporting in #NVCaucus per @edisonresearch
First alignment (popular vote):
Sanders 34%
Biden 17%
Buttigieg 16%
Warren 13%
Klobuchar 10%
Steyer 9%
Final alignment:
Sanders 41%
Biden 19%
Buttigieg 17%
Warren 11%
Klobuchar 8%
Steyer 4%
— Johnny Verhovek (@JTHVerhovek) February 22, 2020
2:52 P.M.
IT’s OFFICIAL - the @NVGOP has bound its delegates to President Trump!
Nevadans are ready for four more years of @realDonaldTrump! #NVCaucus #LeadRight
— Samantha Bullock (@samantha_zager) February 22, 2020
2:25 P.M.
Nevada Caucuses Dem Results
2% Reporting (47 of 2,097 Precincts)#BernieSanders -- 55.6% (347 Votes)#JoeBiden --20.7% (129)#TomSteyer--9.6% (60)#ElizabethWarren -- 7.7% (48)#PeteButtigieg -- 5.1% (32)#AmyKlobuchar -- 1.3% (8)#NVCaucus
— Mona Salama (@MonaSalama_) February 22, 2020
2:05 P.M.
Our precinct breakdown: 5 delegates for Bernie Sanders, 3 for Elizabeth Warren, 3 for Amy Klobuchar #NVCaucus
— Annalise Gardella (@amazingannalise) February 22, 2020
1:54 P.M.
My precinct location has finished up and @BernieSanders won our room! 🥰🔥 thank you to all who came out to rep today, and HUGE shoutout to all the organizers & volunteers in the northwest who ran the ground game. #NevadaCaucus2020 #NVCaucus #BernieSanders #BernieBeatsTrump
— Jackie Chiakulas (@jackiechiakulas) February 22, 2020
1:52 P.M.
In precinct 4387 Bernie is the only viable candidate. He wins all 24 delegates with 67 votes. @KTNV
— Jeremy Chen (@JeremyChenKTNV) February 22, 2020
1:43 P.M.
Precinct just south of Sierra Vista High in Las Vegas
It took some figuring but Sanders came out with 9 delegates and Buttigieg got 4 #nvcaucus
— Andrew Oxford (@andrewboxford) February 22, 2020
1:38 P.M.
It looks like some of the precints are being determined by cards in northern Nevada.
Half of the 4 precincts I chaired this morning were determined by cards. Both were small precincts only awarding 1 delegate. #NVCaucus
1 to Pete
1 to Warren
— R. Armstrong (@RossEArmstrong) February 22, 2020
1:10 P.M.
Very smooth sign up here at Cheyenne High School for the #2020NevadaCaucus - thank you to ALL of our wonderful volunteers!
— Steven Horsford (@StevenHorsford) February 22, 2020
1 P.M.
Were keeping tabs on two precincts here at Rancho High School. So far Bernie is a viable candidate in both based on sheer number of active participants in their corner. @KTNV
— Jeremy Chen (@JeremyChenKTNV) February 22, 2020
Strong turnout and smooth check-in thanks to terrific @nvdems volunteers — we’re getting underway now at East Las Vegas Community Center!
— David Bergstein (@DavidABergstein) February 22, 2020
12:27 P.M.
Lots of homework is getting done while everyone waits for the #UNR caucuses to start. The door are shut & things are about to begin #NVCaucus #NotMeUs
— Rocky Fernandez (@rockyfernandez) February 22, 2020
12:22 P.M.
Our last stop of the day before the #NevadaCaucus kicked off was Cheyenne High School! Thanks to all the volunteers, staff & caucus participants! #FirstInTheWest
— Steve Sisolak (@SteveSisolak) February 22, 2020
12:04 P.M.
LATEST: Based on early entrance poll estimates, Bernie Sanders is leading the Nevada Democratic Caucus in initial preferences.
— ABC News (@ABC) February 22, 2020
11:49 A.M.
Nevada caucus-goers made up their minds comparatively early; just 15% say they finally chose their candidate today or in the last few days, per preliminary entrance poll results, compared with 36% in Iowa and 51% in New Hampshire.
— ABC News (@ABC) February 22, 2020
11:04 A.M.
Here at Rancho High School, @GovSisolak has arrived to greet volunteers and caucus-goers. @KTNV
— Jeremy Chen (@JeremyChenKTNV) February 22, 2020
10:49 A.M.
Exciting beginning to the #NVCaucus this morning. It’s a family affair, with my wife as Site Lead and my son as dutiful helper. Me? Just here to do what my wife says!
A special thanks to all of the precinct captains who arrived early to prepare for an on-time open our caucus!
— Aaron D. Ford (@AaronDFordNV) February 22, 2020
10:47 A.M.
Incredible energy in the @MandalayBay employee dining room only hours before the #NevadaCaucus is set to begin! Thank you to the staff, volunteers & @Culinary226 for ensuring workers can make their voices heard!
— Steve Sisolak (@SteveSisolak) February 22, 2020
10:04 A.M.
Confirm your caucus site at then head over to join your fellow Nevada Democrats for our #FirstInTheWest Caucus!
— NV Dems (@nvdems) February 22, 2020
9:45 A.M.
Democrats face an important test in Nevada caucuses.
— KTNV Action News (@KTNV) February 22, 2020
8:43 A.M.
JUDGEMENT DAY: (aka Caucus Day)
Today is the day Nevada’s voice is heard on who the next Democratic presidential nominee is going to be.
YOU MUST CHECK IN BETWEEN 10 AND NOON at your precinct to participate!
Details on potential problems live @KTNV 13 Action News at 9.
— @SeanKTNV (@seanktnv) February 22, 2020
13 Action News talks with the candidates
GUIDE: What to do on Feb. 22 for the Nevada Caucus
Democrats face an important test in Nevada caucuses
Las Vegas oddsmaker sets line on Nevada Caucus, presidential election
Voters lining up on day 3 of early voting for Democrats in NV
Concerns over Nevada caucus next week