With several incidents surrounding Henderson Executive Airport in recent weeks, those who live nearby are expressing concerns about the safety of their homes.
All of the homes in question were built long after the airport opened in 1969 -- many part of the construction boom in the Inspirada area over the past decade.
Those who now call the area near the airport home have become accustomed to planes flying overhead.
"The biggest worry as a resident I have is seeing the small planes," John Ray Egelhoff said.
Pilots who fly in and out of the area every day say things aren’t bad.
"An airplane is not going to fall out of the sky unless it is something catastrophic," Alan Altman said.
While there have been seven accidents reported to the FAA in the past three years, both airport officials and pilots say that is a small number for Nevada’s third busiest airport.
While four of those have led to accidents where planes landed or crashed near what are now homes, Altman said that is because pilots are trained from day one to look for safe places to land in an emergency.
"Even the low time guys, they are trained for this," Altman said. "You are always looking outside and you are going to be able to put that plane down someplace. And those things can land on roads."
While pilots don't like seeing more homes pop up around the airport, Altman says the chances of a plane hitting one them, "It's very small."
Airport officials say they have spoken out against development near Henderson Executive Airport in the past, but the final decision on allowing homes in the area is up to the city council.