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Navigating heat and exercise during extreme Southern Nevada weather

Joe Moeller talks with Shane Jasmine Young
and last updated

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — If you workout outside, there are some precautions to consider before heading outdoors in this heatwave.

With high temperatures in the forecast over the coming days near the all-time record of 117 degrees in Las Vegas, people in the valley are being more careful about their exercise routines.

Shane Jasmine Young tries to workout in her backyard every day. "I workout outside, since it has gotten hot of course, I try and do them early, early in the morning," she told us.

She jump ropes and has Instagram videos she shares with her followers. She says she doesn't let the warm season stop her.

When asked if temperatures this hot makes things more difficult for her, Shane tells us it does and that is why she puts extra emphasis on drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated.

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Nurse Practitioner Liz Kelemen from Valley Oak Medical Group talked with us about exercising in extreme temperatures.

"I am seeing more patients now that complain of fatigue, dizziness, just feeling drained, headaches again people forget to drink water."

She says to avoid working out during the hottest hours of the day, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., along with drinking 64 ounces of water a day.

"Headaches, feeling dizzy, by the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated," Kelemen said.

She says elderly and young people can react quicker to the heat, "between the dizziness and the fatigue, it can be a lot worse than a younger person."

Lastly, she suggests not to forget the sunscreen.