13 InvestigatesScam Alert


Top scams to look out for this summer

and last updated

Summer is almost here and that means scammers are out to play. They are ready to capitalize on your excitement to take vacations, go to concerts and even relax at home. This summer there are 3 scams to watch out for.

Summer is usually when artists head out on tour to perform and that means scalpers are ready to take advantage of you.

Krista Ferndelli with the Better Business Bureau says, “buying directly from the venue or a reputable ticket sales venue is always preferred, but there are third party sites that will sell tickets on the market that are verified and know that those seats exist."

If you're wanting to purchase your tickets online, do a simple Google search with the website name and the word ‘complaints’ and it should tell you if you’re buying from a reputable place.

Next, you must be aware of the door to door scammers. You know the ones who roam the neighborhood knocking on doors claiming to represent a charity. Before handing out a donation, do your research. Visit Charity Navigatorto see if the charity is legit.

Ferndelli also exclaims, “if they don't have any proper proof they are with that organization don't give them payment or payment information for sure."

Finally, summertime is the perfect time to take a vacation. But, if you’re thinking about renting a place to stay, you should make sure it’s the real thing.

Make sure the landlord is really the owner of the property by searching local tax records. Ask the landlord to use FaceTime to walk you through the property. And, when you pay, use a credit card to give you a paper trail to follow.

For these scams, remember if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

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