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Forgotten weed stash donated to Goodwill

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(CNN) -- Well this isn't your typical Goodwill donation. Five large bags of marijuana were found in a donated cooler in Monroe, Washington, on Monday.

While it's legal in Washington for people over 21 to possess one ounce of cannabis, this stash was 60 times over the limit.

Employees at the store discovered the marijuana while sorting through donations Monday morning and called the cops.

"We went over there and they opened the lid and in there was five large bags of marijuana," Debbie Willis of the Monroe Police Department said. "Normally when we go there, it is for a shoplifter, but not anything like this."

Police tried to track down the owner of the cooler, but they're unsure if it was donated at this location or at a Goodwill trailer that parks in another town.

"However there are many people on social media claiming it's theirs, but we have yet to have one walk through the door," said Willis.

Goodwill donations get even weirder

It's common for employees at Goodwill to find money in pockets of clothing or purses that haven't been emptied when sorting donations, but not 60 ounces of marijuana.

"This is a reminder to check your purse, pockets, or cooler to make sure you're donating the items you mean to," said Katherine Boury, a spokesperson for Goodwill.

This actually isn't the most unusual item employes have come across while sorting donations, Boury said.

"In 2013, three human skulls were found," said Boury -- two that had been used for medical research, and one Native American skull that was more than 100 years old. "We worked with authorities to track down the origin of the Native American skull for proper burial," she said.

What's next for the 60 ounces of donated weed?

"It's sitting in our evidence, waiting yearly burn of that type of evidence." said Willis.