As people wait to get their COVID-19 vaccine, others are selling it on the dark web.
North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein says his office has heard of stolen vaccines ending up on the black market through the dark web.
Researchers looked at 15 different marketplaces.
They found ads for Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna and unspecified vaccines.
RELATED: What you should know about COVID-19 vaccines
"When you deal with criminals, you have no idea what they're selling. They may be selling you something they say is a COVID-19 vaccine, it could be a drug that could kill you," says Josh Stein, North Carolina Attorney General.
Prices per dose range from $250 to $1,200 dollars, and payments are usually requested in bitcoin.
While it may be hard to wait for your tier's turn to get your shot, this is not a safe and should be avoided.