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Mission Hills community pushes back on proposed road to Nevada State College

Mission Hills petition
and last updated

HENDERSON (KTNV) — If you build it, they will protest. A group of homeowners in a Henderson neighborhood are pushing back against a proposed road being built in the area. That road meant to provide another access point to Nevada State College.

“Enough of the building. Enough of the blasting of our mountains. Let us live in peace.”

Peace and quiet is what Linda Freeman enjoys living more than two decades at Mission Hills in Henderson.

“Mission Hills is a premier rural area in all of the valley,” she said.

But Freeman says the rural charm she enjoys will be threatened if a proposed road connecting the neighborhood to Nevada State College is built. She says neighbors like her don’t want to see increased traffic and the natural scenery disturbed.

“A lot of wildlife comes through that gully. I feed my rabbits, jackrabbits every day. They come in through that desert, they’ll be slaughtered,” she said.

The proposed road would connect both ends of Paradise Hills Drive allowing another access point to Nevada State College. This would be built south of the neighborhood. Neighbors say this would prevent them from riding their horses to the nearby hills.

“It’s one of the very last places where horses are allowed to walk out their front door and ride in an area that’s safe for them,” she said.

Freeman says the notices about proposed road came earlier this week prompting an neighborhood meeting Saturday.

“We had to go around and tell them to come to the meeting to let them know what was even going on and the neighbors are outraged,” she said.

Once word spread of this proposed road, 500 petition slips were distributed throughout all the neighbors in the Mission Hills area, so that way, they want to remain separate from the college.

The petition saying the road is “unnecessary” and “a detriment” to their quality of life. Freeman says about 20 years ago, a similar proposal was submitted, but neighbors fought back, and a road was never built. She wants to make sure that remains the case today.

“We come out here and this is our solace where we can be alone,’ she said.

There will be a meeting this coming Wednesday with neighbors and city planners to talk about the proposed road.