LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Local Tesla owners are raising concerns about whether driving one of these vehicles could make them a target.
Teslas are a common sight throughout Southern Nevada, but some owners tell me say their cars are now a source of concern.
Maria Staliarova says she’s been a proud Tesla owner for a year and a mother.
WATCH: Channel 13's Abel Garcia report on the latest
Abel Garcia: Are you worried that you could possibly be a target being in a Tesla?
Staliarova: It can run through my mind, of course, especially when I have kids and if we park in somewhere shopping or something and people just decide to take their anger.
She says the fear is always in the back of her mind.
"So now, on my mind was I'm gonna park my car inside the garage at night," said Stalianova.
That same concern is why Victor Botnari, owner of Universal Motorcars, is keeping his Teslas off the road. He tells me it’s just not worth the risk.
"So this morning, my brother says, better leave the Tesla in the garage. Let's go with another car to work. It's a little bit of a concern, you know, that gets involved in different things, and I don't want somebody to come and damage my car," said Botnari.
The concerns of Tesla owners have even caught the attention of the White House after reports that a now-shuttered website had leaked the personal information of Tesla drivers across the country.
Garcia: How do you feel that now this product has become political?
Botnari: I think it's not a good idea because it's really a good product. It's a good car.
Despite their concerns, both Maria and Victor say they won’t be getting rid of their Teslas.
"A Tesla is an amazing car, it's so safe, and it's so smart. It's one of the best cars,” said Staliarova. Botnari added, “Like for two years driving Teslas, I don’t know if I’ll go back to another car.”
How could this impact your insurance?
WATCH: Insurance expert talks about potential increases to insurance
While owners are urged to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity, the attacks could still impact what Tesla owners pay for insurance especially if more happen according to Patrick Casale, an insurance expert when it comes to insuring a Tesla.
"All this vandalism is really going to create a problem and you're going to see insurance companies spike the rates specifically for Teslas because of the fact that they're anticipating damage," said Casale. He continued, "I don't think you're going to see anything in the next two to three weeks even a month or so. But I think starting April 15 to May 15 around that time."
He says Tesla owners should take proper precautions and try to park in a garage or behind gates when possible.