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Las Vegas restaurant, education institution providing youth workforce training

The Blooming Bistro employs underserved youth to help them build sustainable lives
Las Vegas restaurant, education institution providing youth workforce training

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The Blooming Bistro near downtown Las Vegas is both a restaurant and educational institution aimed at providing underserved youth in our Valley with workforce training and social-emotional skills in order for them to build sustainable lives.

Anyssa Bohanan spoke with the co-owner and one of the people in the program to learn more.

Las Vegas restaurant and education institution providing workforce training for Valley youth

The restaurant employs young people who have come from, or are currently in, programs related to foster care or substance use disorder. It's part of the restaurant's three to six-month workforce program. The program also serves those currently in recovery, helping with housing stability and employment status.

Scarlet Turner, who's currently a part of the program, says it's played an important role in her recovery journey.

"Not only does The Blooming Bistro teach me these workforce life skills and put me through all this training, it's a recovery-based restaurant so everybody there understands what I go through and what it's like to be in my shoes," Turner said.

The Blooming Bistro is located at 860 S Rancho Drive #6.

For more information about how you can get involved as a participant in the program or a sponsor, you can visit their website here.