A Las Vegas woman tweeted her healthcare concerns to President Donald Trump and ended up getting blocked by the President.
Laura Packard fears if Obamacare is repealed and replaced, she will lose her health insurance and not be able to finish chemotherapy. Packard has stage four Hodgkin's Lymphoma and just finished her tenth round of chemotherapy.
She created a video about President Trump blocking her on Twitter and it quickly went viral.
Packard's previous tweets have been critical of President Trump, his policies and his Twitter habits.
"I saw, to my surprise, that the President of the United States blocked me," said Packard. "I thought it was really funny but the more you think about it, the more horrifying it is."
Packard's video was picked up by politicians and media outlets all over the country.
"He's running our country, or he should be, and instead he is playing on Twitter," said Packard.
13 Action News reached out to the President for a comment but did not receive one.
Omg. The President of the United States just personally blocked me. pic.twitter.com/MgLfwufOXC
— Laura Packard (@lpackard) September 20, 2017
President Trump blocked a woman with stage 4 cancer on Twitter.
Here’s her response: pic.twitter.com/JNJ39xoUM5
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) September 21, 2017