I have already pointed out that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s running mate, is no friend of Nevada on Yucca Mountain. Not that surprising: Almost no one of either party is. But what about gaming?
Pence’s views, I’ve discovered, actually are somewhat confusing and contradictory. To wit:
-- Three years ago, he opposed land-based expansion in Indiana. But just this year, Pence acknowledged what an important part of the Indiana economy gaming had become. I am struck by his use of “these businesses” (as if they are icky) to describe the enterprises, but maybe I am reading too much into that.
-- A couple of months ago, Pence refused to sign a gaming bill, and he let it become law without his signature.
-- He is a DFS guy, which would seem to be, ahem, an expansion of gaming ... Check out his quote. It’s needle-threading at its best.