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UPDATE: Inmate captured after walking away from Nevada camp

Posted 5:43 AM, Mar 29, 2017
and last updated 12:25 AM, Mar 30, 2017

UPDATE MARCH 29: Douglas County sheriff's deputies have captured a minimum security inmate who allegedly walked away from a conservation camp near Carson City, stole a city water truck and crashed into a car in Genoa.

The sheriff's office says 49-year-old Martin Eric Joseph was arrested Wednesday after he ran head-on into a Subaru with the Carson City water truck he allegedly stole near Fuji Park hours earlier.

Deputies say he also attempted to steal a vehicle on U.S. Highway 395 in northern Douglas County before the crash, and tried to steal another one after he fled the scene of the crash in Genoa before he was apprehended.


The Nevada Department of Corrections reported Tuesday that a minimum security male inmate walked away from a work detail at the Stewart Conservation Camp located in Carson City.

49-year-old Martin Eric Joseph arrived at the Department of Corrections from Washoe County on Dec. 8, 2014. Joseph was serving up to 4 years for grand larceny of a motor vehicle. He was approved for parole in 2015 but violated and returned to the Department of Corrections December that year.

In March 2016, Joseph was moved to the Stewart Conservation Camp where he worked at the ranch. He was last seen around 3 p.m. ear the edge of the ranch complex which is located off of Snyder Avenue near Northern Nevada Correctional Center. It is believed he was picked up and driven away from the property but no vehicle details are available at this time.

Joseph is 6 feet tall, 225 pounds, hazel eyes, with a fair complexion and dark hair but tends to keep his head shaved. Joseph has “M.J.” on his left hand, “100%” on back of upper left arm and “Wood” back of right upper arm and was last seen wearing blue and/or white clothing.

A retake warrant has been issued.

Anyone with information on whereabouts of Martin Eric Joseph, please contact 911 or their local law enforcement agency.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.