The HBO Documentary Film "BELIEVER" debuts on HBO this summer. The film, which premiered at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival, was screened in front of VIP's at KA Theatre at MGM Grand Thursday night.
Fans are used to seeing Dan Reynolds, lead singer of Las Vegas' own Imagine Dragons, walking the red carpet, but in the film we see a different side of the superstar. Reynolds explores a path he's never gone down before, examining his Mormon faith and its relationship with the LGBTQ community.
"So, this is my culture," Reynolds said. "This is my community. I grew up around so many friends who were gay and Mormon and watched their conflict."
Seeing that conflict and the link to the the rising rates of teen suicide in Utah inspired Reynolds to executive produce "BELIEVER."
"This isn't an attack on Mormonism or orthodox faith, "he said. "But it's saying we need to change and we need to do better."
John Dehlin is a social activist and counselor. He joined Reynolds in answering questions the film raises.
"The LGBT crisis is sort of at the center of these suicides," he said. "It's as serious as it can be."
Dehlin has been outspoken about building a bridge within the faith community.
"The world is coming to understand the LGBT group as the new group that deserves civil rights," said Dehlin.
"This is a journey of learning how to be an ally and what it means to be an ally," Reynolds said. "And the whole world can learn from that."
The film, which was produced by Live Nation Productions, will air in June on HBO.