A bill passed in 2015 may split up the Clark County School District, but the question now is how to make it work.
There's a line in a suggested regulation proposal that has a lot of CCSD employees worried about their jobs, specifically custodians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and security guards.
CCSD calls them support staff, and they're backed by the Education Support Employees Association. Inside their main office, union members are working to make sure their jobs are safe.
On Tuesday, the president of the union reached out to 13 Action News.
"It's very important to stand up against that bill," said president Virginia Mills.
The bill calls for the complete reorganization of the school. Lawmakers have already passed the bill, but they're still finalizing regulations on how to enforce it.
One regulation states that a local school precinct is not required to purchase equipment, services and supplies from the school district.
Mills says support staff members fall under the service umbrella. She believes the provision implies that the district can hire support staff through private contractors, threatening the jobs of the current support staff hired by the district.
"That means that they don't have to use the campus monitor that’s assigned to that school,” said Mills. “They can say I don't need Mr. Joe anymore. I can go hire out service."
Security guard Alonzo Wright-White is terrified of losing his job.
"I have to put food on my table.” said Wright-White. “I work hard every day to make sure I am able as a father to take care of my kids."
Irleen Daisley says support workers go above and beyond the call of duty. They build relationships with students. She says these are relationships that private contractors simply won't be able to foster.
"We give back,” Daisley says. “We give to kids that maybe don't have anything to eat. We pay for their lunch."
Nevada Assemblyman David Gardner says the unique needs of support staff members may have been overlooked when drafting these regulations.
"When we wrote this bill, the support staff really wasn't involved a ton,” he says. “I mean ever since they came to the public hearing and said we haven't been involved. I said you're right.”
The advisory committee will have a final vote on these regulations next week. As for this provision that directly affects support staff, Assemblymen Gardner promises to have it rewritten so that they can feel protected.