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How to protect your home during scorpion season

Posted at 6:29 PM, May 21, 2024

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — When temperatures climb into the triple digits, scorpions slip into our homes and backyards.

Residents are finding these unwelcome pests in increasing numbers in our valley as summer approaches. I met up with a pest control specialist to find out what, if anything, you can do to make sure your home is protected.

Northwest valley resident Steve Ekmark has lived in the area for over 35 years. He says he's seen more scorpions recently, even inside friends' homes.

"As we get more into their area, they are coming into our houses," Ekmark tells me. "Now that the weather has gotten warmer, they want to go inside where it's cold too."

Kevin Rast, a specialist with JS Pest Control says their phones are now constantly ringing with concerned residents reporting scorpion sightings.


He adds that scorpion sighting in Las Vegas are increasing because of new developments on the outskirts.

"When they find out its a bark scorpion, it has a pretty good bite, and they get concerned and wonder why did I move and why are these scorpions here."

The Arizona Bark Scorpion, known for its venomous sting, has been in the valley for a long time. Another common scorpion is the Desert Hairy Scorpion, which is larger but less venomous.

Rast said scorpions love to nest in palm trees and also hide under turf edges, making the valley a hot spot for these pests.

"If you see these scorpions inside of your home, what should you do? Should you kill them? Squash them," I asked.

"Yes! Eliminating the scorpion because there are plenty and they are not endangered," Rast replied.

He adds that if you start seeing more than one, call a specialist.

Service tech Ricky Lugo showed me home protection methods and recommends sealing any openings and spraying pesticide around your home's perimeter, which also kills insects like ants, which scorpions prey on.

"Scorpions only need a 1/16 of inch a size of a piece of paper to slip into your house."

So what can you do? JS Pest Control has five effective tips.

  1. SEAL ENTRY POINTS: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home and seal any cracks, crevices, or gaps where scorpions can enter. Pay special attention to doors, windows, pipes, and vents.
  2. REDUCE MOISTURE: Scorpions are attracted to moisture, so reduce humidity levels in your home by fixing leaks, using a dehumidifier, and ensuring proper ventilation in damp areas like basements and bathrooms.
  3. DECLUTTER YOUR HOME: Clear away clutter both inside and outside your home, as scorpions often hide in piles of debris, woodpiles, or overgrown vegetation. Keep your yard tidy and remove potential hiding spots.
  4. USE PESTICIDES AND TRAPS: Get a pest control specialist to apply residual insecticides around the perimeter of your home and in areas where scorpions are likely to hide. Additionally, use sticky traps specifically designed for scorpions to capture them.
  5. BE CAUTIOUS AT NIGHT: Scorpions are nocturnal creatures, so take extra precautions at night. Shake out shoes, clothing, and bedding before use, and avoid leaving them on the floor. Use a UV flashlight to spot scorpions in dark corners or crevices.