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Henderson police to focus patrols on speeding drivers starting July 1

speed limit signs.PNG
Posted 3:00 PM, Jul 01, 2021
and last updated 3:20 PM, Jul 01, 2021

HENDERSON (KTNV) — Henderson police will start an enhanced traffic enforcement initiative against speeders in July.

Officials with the Henderson Police Department say officers will have dedicated saturation patrols throughout the Henderson area to stop speeding vehicles from July 1-12.

These officers will target areas that are known for excessive speeds and areas that have received the most citizen complaints of speed violations, according to the HPD.

Injury Facts report speeding was a factor in 26% of all traffic fatalities in 2019, killing 9,478, or an average of over 25 people per day. And Henderson police say speeding is more than just breaking the law; there are consequences for risky driving behavior.

The enhanced traffic enforcement is part of Joining Forces -- a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement program aimed at reducing injuries and crashes through statewide enforcement of traffic safety laws.

The goal of the program is to save lives by increasing public awareness about the dangers of making poor choices while driving with the HPD receiving $220,000 in federal funding for the enhanced enforcement initiatives through the Nevada Department of Public Safety. The grant provides funding for enforcement and education to reduce deaths and injuries on Nevada roadways.