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Henderson officials hit snag with Fiesta casino site redevelopment project

Former Fiesta Henderson casino site

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Henderson residents will have to wait even longer to see what happens to the former Fiesta Henderson casino site.

City officials have announced negotiations with the prospective developer, the Woodbury Corporation, have fallen through.

"Despite best efforts and good-faith discussions over the past several months, the two parties have been unable to come to a definitive agreement regarding the future development, purchase and use of the property," a statement on the city website reads in part. "As a result the ENA (Exclusive Negotiating Agreement) has automatically lapsed, and both parties are now fully released from any further obligations under its terms."

The Fiesta Henderson casino closed in July 2022 and the property was demolished in September 2022.

PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Texas Station, Fiesta Henderson demolition begins

Texas Station, Fiesta Henderson demolition begins

The only thing that still remains on the site is a parking structure.

The Henderson City Council voted to purchase the property in December 2022 and began soliciting community feedback to see what should be built on the land.

Based on community feedback, the city said the top two identified uses for the site included:

  • Tournament Sports Facility & Hospitality
  • Family-Oriented Entertainment

The Community Outreach Summary also stated that residents also "expressed support in thoughtful creation of a 'destination' including a wide variety of additional uses such as arts and cultural facilities and event space."
PREVIOUS COVERAGE: What should be at the former Fiesta Henderson site?

What should be at the former Fiesta Henderson site?

In January 2024, city leaders released a "Vision Document" on their website, which examples of different ideas for the site.

The three main concepts that were presented are based on site plans at The Battery park in Atlanta, Georgia, The Ford Center at the Star in Frisco, Texas, and the Xtreme Arena and Greenstate Family Fieldhouse in Coralville, Iowa.

On August 20, 2024, the city entered into an ENA with the Woodbury Corporation to negotiate terms and "ensure that the development would reflect the goals shaped by public feedback from our residents."

Even though the Woodbury Corporation negotiations fell through, city officials say they're still looking at the next phase of development.

"The (City of Henderson Redevelopment) agency, will continue pursuing key components for the site, including an indoor recreation facility (fieldhouse) and a supporting hotel. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to identify a skilled hotel partner is in progress and will be released shortly."

City officials added that discussions with an operator partner for the fieldhouse are underway and they anticipate terms of the agreement will be finalized this summer.