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Family of man reportedly shot 10 times in northwest Vegas speaks out

Brother: Attorneys trying to 'assassinate his character'
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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The family of a man reportedly shot 10 times after a supervised visit with his child in northwest Las Vegas is speaking out after lawyers called him a deviant.

On April 22, police say Sean Babbitt was shot multiple times inside a home near El Capitan and Durango Drive. Former police officer Pamela Bordeaux is accused by Las Vegas police of killing Babbitt, who is her former son-in-law.

RELATED: Former officer charged with murder makes another appearance in court

Last week, lawyers representing Bordeaux said Babbitt exhibited "deviant behavior" and the execution narrative put out by the district attorney's office is not an accurate assessment.

Now, Babbitt's brother is saying Bordeaux's attorneys are trying to assassinate his late brother's character.

In a Facebook post he calls the defense attorney's statements a "smear campaign" against his brother and claims attorneys are trying to "manipulate his image with half truths and grossly simplified or exaggerated labels."

You can read the full post below.

RELATED: Bordeaux Attorneys: Former son-in-law had 'deviant behavior'

"I want to help prepare friends, family, and supporters for the abhorrent ugliness that lies ahead:

The assassination attempt of my brother's character will be heart wrenching and enraging, but we must stand united and continue always to show Sean in his true light, as the true light that he was in so many of our lives, now that his has been barbarically taken.

In their first statement, the murderer’s legal defense team has already cited untruth. This may very well set the tone for what is to come. Understand, there was NOTHING DANGEROUS about my brother. My dearest friend, my daughter and niece’s favorite uncle, my inspiration in art and life, my soul mate.

My gentle and ingenious brother Sean Babbitt was MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD. And because ALL the EVIDENCE leads to this FACT, the SMEAR CAMPAIGN to malign and distort his true character has already begun. Because there is NO WAY to interpret the BRUTAL SLAYING and SUMMARY "EXECUTION" of my brother in any other way than MURDER based on the ALL THE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE, the legal defense team for Sean's murderer are already taking to the media to try and manipulate his image with half truths and grossly simplified or exaggerated labels to try to engender doubt and disgust in the public eye by presenting a one-sided story for which they require no burden of proof or evidence beyond its introduction because you cannot legally slander the dead, and they therefore have no consequences to keep their tactics from becoming more than mudslinging without evidentiary foundation. They intend to distort his true character by painting my KINDHEARTED, SWEET, GENEROUS, AND TENDER BROTHER as "aggressive" or possibly even stretch it so far as to portray as “deviant”.

This killer's defense team is strategically saying the word "deviant" with specific intent, and they are coupling the word "deviant" with statements about his child intentionally so that when you think of those two things you will associate deviance and children and you will make your own assumptions by drawing horrific conclusions based on NO FACTS whatsoever. I believe the term is "leading the witness", and in a court of law the procesution would adamantly object to such underhanded tactics. But in the court of public opinion their statements may run rampant with suggestion without factual support and without objection or rebuttal, allowing the public imagination to form its opinion based solely on the half-truths and outright UNTRUTHS they are being fed. The defense has no evidence to support their case on legal grounds, so they will say anything they can to try to breed doubt.

The SICKENING WAY IN WHICH MY BROTHER WAS LITERALLY SHOT TO PIECES is the only obscene FACT of this case that should turn your stomach or sway your opinion. They want to introduce and extrapolate wild "what if?" ideas to sew the seeds of doubt throughout public opinion via the media because they know SEAN IS NOT ON TRIAL AND NO LONGER ALIVE TO DEFEND HIMSELF and thus they do no have to prove their allegations, they only have to introduce loose possibilities to poison the public well with the stuff of fiction, or at most private communications from which they will likely try to stretch and squeeze far fetched ill intention using contextless snapshots of his life.

Sean was utterly devoted to his son. With the best of intentions and in a civil and peaceable manner he pursued the legal means to regain the custody rights he had been manipulated and bullied into signing away. His attorney was immensely confident that Sean would absolutely regain the rights to see the son he loved so dearly. The week after his attorney filed and served the papers that would ensure Sean would regain his rightful custody, Sean was murdered by a member of the family who received those papers.

He was "EXECUTED" by his ex-mother-in-law, as the District Attorney phrased it in the preliminary proceedings.

After finishing his visit with his beloved son, Sean was shot 10 times, while tying his shoes according to the coroner's report to my family. Sean displayed MULTIPLE DEFENSIVE WOUNDS. His fingers were shot off, it appears from shielding himself in defense. And he was shot in the head, a guarantee he would not survive.

I implore you to share this story, and to stand with us in unity to present the TRUE AND BEAUTIFUL Sean Babbitt amidst the ugliness to come.

730am Tuesday April 30th at the Regional Justice Court on 200 Lewis Ave is the hearing. We invite all of you who joined us at the preliminary and all those who were regrettably unable to attend to join us in solidarity to silently scream #JUSTICEFORSEAN"

Bordeaux appeared in court again on April 30. Her lawyers requested a $50,000 bail, saying she is no danger. The state requested a $1 million bail, saying she is a dangr to Babbitt's family. The judge ruled that Bordeaux will be held without bail due to the nature of the alleged crime. A preliminary hearing was set for 9 a.m. May 21.