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Las Vegas police looking for witnesses to Five Star Tavern robbery

A body also found in burning car that day
and last updated

Las Vegas police are looking for a man and woman who may have information about a takeover-style robbery at the Five Star Tavern on North Rainbow Boulevard on June 22.

The robbery happened at about 4:20 a.m. Two men dressed in black with their faces covered came into the tavern and forced patrons and employees to the floor while the robbery occurred.

Two people have been identified as possible witnesses to the crime and may have critical information about the incident. One is described as a white or Hispanic male adult, with brown hair and brown beard. He is seen wearing a black shirt and black pants. Another witness is a white or Hispanic female adult with long, dark hair past her shoulders. She was wearing a grey sweater and dark pants.

A car with a body inside of it was found the same day shortly after robbery. Police at the time said that they would investigate the possibility of the two crimes being connected.

The deceased has not been identified yet by the Clark County coroner and police have not released any other information about that case.

RELATED: Police investigating body found in burned car as possible homicide

Anyone with any information about this incident, or information about the identity or whereabouts of the witnesses, is urged to contact the LVMPD. To remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 702-385-5555 or on the internet at www.crimestoppersofnv.com. Tips leading directly to an arrest or indictment processed through Crime Stoppers may be eligible for a cash reward.