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Clark County looking for input from community about Spring Mountain Corridor Redevelopment Plan


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Clark County officials launched a series of community pop-up informational events aimed at raising awareness and engaging residents, small business owners and visitors about the Spring Mountain Corridor Redevelopment project.

On Friday, officials held one of the many information meetings at the Chinatown Plaza with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Businesses and locals were able to bring up safety and security concerns but also suggest changes they would like to see addressed with the new Spring Mountain Corridor redevelopment project.

"I think bringing a couple of dollars over to this area will be beneficial," said Leogardo, who visited the event.

Leogardo lives in the Spring Mountain area and said he has gone to every informational pop-up event about the redevelopment project.

"It's important for residents because we not only shop here, we live here," he said.

He said some of the concerns he hopes will be addressed with the new project are traffic and pedestrian issues.

"Besides the traffic and the pedestrian, parking I think can be improved upon and public transit. There's just a lot of congestion and a lot of distractions when they are trying to find a parking spot, and I just think it makes it a hectic situation for everyone," Leogardo said.

Colin Fukunaga, owner of Fuku Burger on Jones Boulevard, said he's also noticed some of the same issues as Leogardo and would like the county to address the concerns as well.

"I've always been a big proponent of mass transit. I think the world is going is, you know, going to be a lot more driverless. The focus should be more on walkability, " Fukunaga said.

He adds that communication is also a big concern for him.

"I think communication is the biggest and most paramount tool that we need to hone and develop in this community," Fukunga said.

The information that is collected from the pop-up events will be used by officials to help improve Chinatown along Spring Mountain, from Valley View to Jones.

Leogardo said he's looking forward to the changes.

​"Chinatown here in Las Vegas has been a gem that has been kind of neglected and I am glad that this area is getting some much-needed attention," Leogardo said.

You can share your thoughts and learn more information here.