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Clark County DA grants CCSD trustee more time to respond to allegations of her living out of state


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Channel 13 has learned a Clark County School District trustee under fire for living out of state has been given more time to explain herself.

According to the Clark County District Attorney’s office, Katie Williams has not been residing in the district she represents.

Last week, Williams was sent a letter from the district attorney giving her two options: either she gives up her trustee seat or fix the residency concerns that have placed her in the spotlight to begin with.

The letter came after five voting and non-voting members of the CCSD school board contacted DA Steve Wolfson, asking him to step in and investigate Williams. They told the district attorney Williams no longer lived in state and was not fulfilling her responsibilities.

“How can you represent a community when you’re not in it every day? When you’re not living with them, you’re not not seeing what’s going on in the schools; anybody can call in on a zoom meeting,” said Clark County Education Association vice president, Kenneth Belknap.

Initially Williams was given a deadline of September 10th to respond to the district attorney. On Monday, we learned that the deadline was extended, however a reason and new deadline was not provided.

Williams’ term expires at the end of this year but if removed from the board, the remaining board members would have to choose someone to complete her term.