Clark County School District is trying to implement healthier foods into their lunch menus.
CCSD rolled out more than 20 new entrees, such as black bean burgers and whole grain chicken egg rolls, for 200 current students to taste test.
It's far removed from the sloppy joes and circle pizzas many people grew up on. The initiative is just the next step in making children healthier and more active.
"The kids aren't going to eat it if they don't like the taste," says CCSD dietician, Lory Hoyan.
The food doesn't just have to pass a taste test, it also has to meet several guidelines, including guidelines set by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, and also district wide health guidelines.
The students fill out a scorecard, grading the food based on taste, appearance, and whether or not they'd buy it. The district will review the scorecards and then narrow down their options by next school year.