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CCSD accepting nominations for naming of two new schools

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The Clark County School District (CCSD) is accepting nominations through Aug. 31 to name the two new schools slated to open in the fall of 2021 as part of the2015 Capital Improvement Program.

One new middle school is being constructed in the Mountain’s Edge area and a new elementary school is being constructed in the City of Henderson.

The schools will be named for:

- Outstanding former CCSD personnel and former School Board trustees who have demonstrated exceptional leadership locally in the field of education in Clark County and have consistently demonstrated the character to inspire students.

- Outstanding individuals who are not educators by profession, but serve as a positive role model to children and to the community, and who have demonstrated exceptional leadership locally toward the advancement of education or humanity in Clark County.

It is also noted there are restrictions pertaining to the nominations. In order for a former employee to be considered, they must have been separated from CCSD for at least two years in order to be considered as a namesake.

Elected officials, including former trustees, must be out of office for a minimum of three years.

A total of six finalists will be considered by the School Name Committee at a meeting in October. The committee’s recommendations will subsequently be submitted for approval at a regular public meeting of the Board of School Trustees.

For additional information on the call for nominations and to see the finalists from previous school naming efforts, clickhere.