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CCSD 5-year-old gets off bus at wrong stop twice

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A valley mom fears the worst when her kindergartner never gets off the bus after school.
When 5-year-old Caileigh Floyd gets off the bus, she usually run into her mother's arms.  
On Tuesday, her mother waited as each kid got off the bus. Hers did not. That's when she went into panic mode.
"I was calling Henderson Police," Sadie Floyd told Action News. "I was calling Clark County School District Police and they were like what was she wearing? I was like, oh my God, what was she wearing? I couldn't even remember my address yesterday. I was just gone."
Yesterday was the second time this happened! The first instance was in October. Caileigh's mother and grandmother waited at her stop, but she never got off.
"I don't want it to happen anymore" said Caileigh's grandmother Debbie Finkel. "We were fortunate. We got Caileigh back."
Each time, the horror lasted about an hour before Caileigh's family got a call from school saying she got off at the wrong stop and was with another CCSD parent safe and sound.
After the first time, CCSD did take action.
"They had asked that we give them another shot," said Finkel. "They investigated it. They talked to the bus driver and they had asked that we give them another opportunity."
Then it happened again, so Action News reached out to CCSD. They tell us, when it comes to kindergartners, each bus-driver is required to see that each student is paired with a guardian.
"That did not happen in this case," said Finkel.
Today, CCSD put a supervisor on Caileigh's bus to make sure the driver was doing their job correctly. Parents at that stop tell me the driver isn't consistently focused. They say the driver used to just come and go, but got a little better after the first time Caileigh went missing.
"You don't see the bus driver coming forward at all to make sure," complained Floyd. "Seeing who's with who. They just open the doors and let them all off. I don't even see them stand up or anything."
Caileigh's family says she will not be riding the bus anymore until CCSD creates more effective policies and procedures.
They also want to warn parents across Clark County: If it happened to them, it could happen to you.