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Bureau of Land Management hiring firefighters in Nevada

Arizona firefighters rescue fawns from wildfire
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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Nevada currently has over 50 wildland firefighting positions available.

BLM says previous firefighting experience is not a requirement for entry-level positions.

The links to the job announcements can be found on the Nevada Fire Info site at www.nevadafireinfo.org..

Information on the hiring process and wildland firefighting can be found at www.firejobs.doi.gov.

If you are interested in a specific location and would like to know more information regarding the position or the area, here is a list of district hiring contacts:

Ely: Ray Maestas, rmaestes@blm.gov, 775-289-1923

Elko: Matt Murphy, mmurphy@blm.gov, 775-753-0384

Carson City: Billy Britt, bbritt@blm.gov, 775-885-6006

Battle Mountain: Chad Holbert, cholbert@blm.gov, 775-635-4115

Southern Nevada: Jason Lanier, jlanier@blm.gov, 702-515-5218

Winnemucca: Josh Henry, jhenry@blm.gov, 775-623-1767