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Boulder Highway deaths raising concerns

It's been a dangerous year for pedestrians in the valley, especially on Boulder Highway.
Four people have been killed there this week alone attempting to cross the six lanes of traffic.
Erin Breen of the UNLV Transportation Research Center says the total is 11 for the year.
Breen says one of the problems is there are several destinations like casinos and convenience stores along Boulder Highway, without any crosswalks to get to them.
Sadly, it's all too common for people to take the chance of crossing without one. 
"No one ever thinks it's going to be them and there has been far too many lives lost on this street this year," Breen said.
Leedel Matthews lives on Boulder Highway. He says the pedestrian deaths have led him to stop jaywalking. 
"I'll just take my time, I'll just be a little slower, a little later but I'll get home in one piece," he said.
Breen says one solution to the problem could be simply adding more crosswalks.
"If we had more crosswalks, drivers would get more used to looking for people," she said.
Breen says she hopes to hold a summit in January with lawmakers and Nevada Department of Transportation officials to address Boulder Highway's safety issues.